On The Narrative Ideology And Fantastic Realism Of Haruki Murakami From Some Work.



Contemporary Narrative, Fantastic Realism, Haruki Murakami


The article addresses - mainly from the stories and three novels (Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, The Winds-Up Bird Chronicle and Killing Commendatore) - the genesis of some references of the worldview Murakami's narrative, as well as the author's approach that his work seems to obey. Both aspects are cardinal to elucidate the fictional support recognizable as an author trait, understood everything as a narrative ideology: thematic coordinates, constellation of characters, plots and settings, chosen narrative perspective, expressive resources...

It also seeks to identify the entity of the entrance of fantastic elements, a component of the Murakami invoice; From the rubric of fantastic realism to which the author is assigned, this work approaches the accumulation of fantastic figures, referents and mechanisms that mark out the stories to check what sociocultural sources nourish this imaginary. For the aforementioned, this fabulous background would correspond to the oriental heritage, the mythical and legendary tradition of Japanese stamp. Added to this is the catharsis experienced by the characters, related to Murakami's concept of their creation.

In order to recognize both aspects their reflection is analyzed in the delimited corpus, based on the author's statements and critical contributions in the Hispanic and American sphere.


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How to Cite

Castellón Alcalá, H. (2022). On The Narrative Ideology And Fantastic Realism Of Haruki Murakami From Some Work. Argos Journal, 9(24), 78–102. Retrieved from https://revistaargos.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/argos/article/view/152



Literary discussion