A pre-Hispanic female voice and an approach to the cuicatl "Canto de Macuilxochitlzin".



Macuilxochitzin, Cuícatl, Ometéotl, In Xóchitl in cuícatl, Yaocuícatl


The poets in the pre-Hispanic Nahua they were called cuicapicque which means "creators of songs" or "forgers of songs", it is known that because they possessed the poetic gift, they were admired, respected and their production was vast. Miguel León Portilla rescued the name of twenty of them, including a woman, Macuilxochitzin, whom we will try to get to know through the analysis and reflection that emerges from the only song we have of her. Who was she? Why is this poem from pre-Hispanic times only attributed to a woman? What is there beyond the historical fact to which it alludes? It is what we will try to answer throughout this work, insufficient we believe to know the feminine legacy of the forgers of songs of that time but that we will try at least, to rescue her voice in a society where the value of "the feminine" and therefore, the importance of women is yet to be understood.


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How to Cite

María Lourdes, H. A. (2022). A pre-Hispanic female voice and an approach to the cuicatl "Canto de Macuilxochitlzin". Argos Journal, 9(24), 3–15. Retrieved from https://revistaargos.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/argos/article/view/138



Literary discussion