The construction of dialogism and otherness in a Protestant religious text: The Lanza de San Baltazar, analysis of some examples.



Newspaper, Protestant, Dialogism, Guadalajara, Nineteethn century


The objective of this study is to analyze the construction of dialogism and the representation of the other in La Lanza de San Baltazar, the first Protestant newspaper in the city of Guadalajara, published in the late nineteenth century. It follows the theory of dialogism enunciated by Bajttin, with a methodology of documentary and content analysis, focused on some fragments, examples and the heading of the newspaper. The polyphony of dialogic voices of discourse in conflict and social tension incorporates those of the adversary, along with the allied doctrines of the Protestant sender. Thus, the widely open dialogue that is worked on in the text shows the historical and religious conditions between Catholics and Protestants, a consequence of the arrival of the missions of the new faith on stage.


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How to Cite

Sima Lozano, E. G. (2022). The construction of dialogism and otherness in a Protestant religious text: The Lanza de San Baltazar, analysis of some examples. Argos Journal, 10(25), 30–53. Retrieved from



Literary discussion