Between Mallarmé and Octavio Paz: a poectic approach.



Silence, Poetry, Mallarmé, Octavio Paz


The purpose of this article is to point out poetic affinities between Octavio Paz and Mallarmé; this to consolidate a poetic proposal as a sacred one. For this, the investigative work seeks to explain how the Mexican poet dialogues with Mallarme and his impressions. In this sense, the present study analyzes the explorations that Paz made with the poem Un coup de dés and the scope of this poetic analysis, which helped him consolidate one of the most important essays of the poet that will be El arco y la lira. The work explores the resonances that Mallarmé's poetics had in front of Octavio Paz which allows one to perceive the poetry as a mystical act whose axis will be the construction of a space for the poetic language through silence.


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How to Cite

Pérez Pérez, J. (2022). Between Mallarmé and Octavio Paz: a poectic approach. Argos Journal, 10(25), 20–29. Retrieved from



Literary discussion