Editorial standards

Content and originality of the collaborations.

For the Literary Discussion section:

I.- Deadline for receipt of contributions: Last day of the months of March and October.

II.- Original, unpublished collaborations will be admitted that are not in application with any other magazine or are in any editing process and whose topics deal with topics of Philosophy, Letters and those of other areas related to the Social Sciences and Humanities: History, Anthropology, Law, Sociology, Political Science, Education, Geography, etc.

III.- Authors must register on the following site: http://revistaargos.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/argos/about/submissions and send their collaboration.

If you wish to participate in the magazine as evaluators, you must activate the corresponding box and indicate your area of ​​interest.

IV.- Every proposal must not exceed 35 pages (except in justified cases) and must be sent in a Word document (NOT PDF), specifying the section to which it is applying: Philosophy, Letters or Miscellaneous, and the article must contain:

  • Title of the article in Spanish and English.
  • Full name of the author or authors (No acronyms or abbreviations).
  • Institution of affiliation (Only an institution of affiliation, without abbreviations, Department, College or Dependency and name of the complete institution, University, Institute, etc.) and country of origin.
  • Email (only one email).
  • ORCID registration number (Must be updated with your academic information).
  • Summary in Spanish and English (maximum 200 words and in a single paragraph for each language), where the following are clearly expressed: approach, objective, scope and methodology.
  • Keywords in Spanish and English (maximum 4 words).
  • The accepted citation system is APA seventh edition.

V.- Articles that include images, photographs, drawings or any other graphic element must give credit to the original author, specify if it is self-made or include the data of the corresponding source. This information must be specified at the bottom of each image, chart or graph.

VI.- Articles that do not comply with the requirements indicated in the previous points will not be admitted.

VII.- All contributions received will be subjected to an initial review process to verify that they comply with the bases of this call, as well as to the evaluation of the Committee of Judges in order to determine the viability of its publication.

VIII.- ANTI-PLAGGERY POLICY: All articles will be reviewed in specialized software, so if the percentage of similarity is between 15% and 25%, the author will be notified so that he can address the observations that are made. If the percentage is 26% or more, the article will be rejected.
The number of citations must be moderate and justified, including footnotes. In the case of quotes from the same author, it is important to consult point 2.1, section 16, paragraph 4 of the Declaration of Ethics and Editorial Bad Practice.

The evaluations of the articles will be based on the following topics:

Evaluation form


I.- Texts dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of literary works, as well as any other that is of interest to the community of literature and linguistics scholars, may be sent.

II.- The number of collaborations will be limited to 3 reviews in total in this section (1 per author).


Literary creation:

I.- In this section, all creative collaborations of poetry, narrative, dramaturgy or chapters of novels, among others, from new or highly recognized authors are welcome.

II.- The number of collaborations will be subject to the number of articles in the Literary Discussion section, which are publishable in the issue in question, so it is suggested that only a single work be sent: in the case of a story or narrative; and up to 3 poems per author. Only one work will be published for each literary genre.


Copyright Notice:

Authors who wish to publish in this journal must accept the conditions of the License.
Creative Commons, Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC 4.0,

This license allows:

Share: Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, including commercial purposes.
Adapt: ​​remix, transform and develop the material for any purpose.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as it complies with the terms of the license.

Under the following terms:

Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
No additional restrictions: You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license allows.


(In accordance with what is published on the Creative Commons platform: https://creativecommons.org/)


Privacy Statement.

All sensitive personal information and data of the authors and collaborators of this magazine, as well as of the users who register in it, are within the guidelines of the Data Protection Law of the United Mexican States.

The purpose of the information collected is the communication and registration of those users who collaborate and/or publish in the magazine or are part of its editorial processes.

The Board of Directors and the editorial team of the magazine use this information to improve communication and the editorial process, so at no time or under any circumstance can it be used for other purposes.

The public information displayed on the magazine's platform is authorized by the users, authors, evaluators and directors themselves, with the aim of being able to know their means of contact, taking care not to make public sensitive data not authorized by them. Authors who have co-authored articles in this journal are co-responsible for the data that is visible directly in the journal's publication.